Kissing GmbH
Werler Straße 18,
58706 Menden

phone: +49 (0)2373 9371-0,
fax: +49 (0)2373 9371-77,

Managing director authorized to represent: Uta Kissing

Register court Amtsgericht Arnsberg,
Register number: HRB 4901
Sales tax identification number, according to §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 176 242 312 Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV: Uta Kissing

Reference of liability:
In spite of accurate control in content, we assume no liability for contents of external links. Solely the operators of linked sides are responsible for
their content.

Note on use: Reproduction of the texts and files offered on these pages on any medium requires the direct authorisation of Kissing GmbH.

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